Maison de Moggy Latest News

Welcome to our Nanny Blog!

Hello, friends! Welcome to our first entry in the MDM Nanny Blog, our new way to keep you informed with all the adventures of your favourite Moggy Pals.

We will be featuring stories, tips, advice, and answering all your questions. We will also be featuring and reviewing goodies you can buy for your little fluffy pals at  home.

is there anything you’d like to see featured in our blog?

Our devoted Nannies will be keeping you up to date so let me introduce them!

Steff is from Toronto and has worked with us from the beginning. Steff worked as a veterinary nurse in Canada before she found love with the bearded Malcolm and moved back to Edinburgh with him last December.

Francesca (never Fran!) is part Edinburgh, part Naples and like Steff has been with us since the beginning. Francesca has veterinary nurse training and a very special bond with our kitties, Amelie in particular!

Sophie is a fourth year student at Edinburgh University Dick Vet. She enjoys getting hands on practice with our kitties and lends us invaluable professional advice.

Faolain is our newest recruit and also a student at the Dick Vet. She has settled in very well and we are looking forward to working together.

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